FD Detectors
FD and Luminosity Groups

Documentation (Organisation, Papers, Notes, Approved plots)

Important Links
General forward detectors and luminosity  egroup lists
Forward Detector positions

FWD Project leader Maciej Trzebinski
FWD Project leader deputy Mario Campanelli
FWD IB chair Marek Taševský
ARP Project leader Marko Milovanovic
ALFA Project leader Hasko Stenzel
LUCID Project leader Vincent Hedberg
ZDC Project leader Brian Cole
TDAQ Kris Korcyl
Physics Coordinators Rafal Staszewski & Leszek Adamczyk
Simulation Antonello Sbrizzi
Trigger Maciej Trzebinski
Data & Software preparation Leszek Adamczyk
Speakers Committee chair Hasko Stenzel
Speakers Committee deputy Federico Lasagni Manghi

FDIB egroup

Updated: July 2024 by Marek Tasevsky